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Bus map line 158 in Barcelona
(Collblanc-Sant Just)



Here are all the data related to public bus line 158 in Barcelona, ​​if you want to see other lines visit our index of all bus routes in Barcelona or the index of all kinds of bus in Barcelona. This page is optimized to print the schedule, bus-stops and bus map best.

Bus stops on line 158

These are the stops that are in the route of this bus. The route goes from "Collblanc" to "Sant Just" and vice versa.

Travessera de Les Corts-Arístides Maillo
Travessera de les Corts-Riera Blanca
Collblanc-Cardenal Reig
Ctra de Collblanc-Pg del Cementiri
Ctra de Collblanc-Av Josep Molins
Complex Esportiu Hospitalet Nord
Laureà Miró-Molí
Laureà Miró-Sant Llorenç
Pl Santa Magdalena
Laureà Miró-Nord
Ctra Reial-Bonavista
Rambla de Sant Just-Ctra Reial
Rambla Sant Just-Major
Rambla Sant Just-Marqués de Monistrol
Av Indústria-Severo Ochoa
Av Indústria-Salvador Espriu
Av Indústria-Ramón i Cajal
Av Indústria-Av Camp Roig
Av Indústria-Walden 7
Travessera de Les Corts-Arístides Maillo
Riera Blanca-Regent Mendieta
Av Sant Ramon Nonat-Cardenal Reig
Cardenal Reig-Pisuerga
Ctra Collblanc-Av Solanic i Riera
Ctra de Collblanc-Albéniz
Ctra de Collblanc-Av Tomàs Giménez
Laureà Miró-Molí
Laureà Miró-Primer de Maig
Laureà Miró-Àngel Guimerà
Laureà Miró-Anton Fortuny
Ctra Reial-de l'Estalvi
Ctra Reial-Rambla Modolell
Rambla Sant Just-Catalunya
Rambla Sant Just-Pl del Parador
Hereter-Av Indústria
Av Indústria-Salvador Espriu
Av Indústria-Carretera Reial
Av Indústria-Walden 7


Schedule of bus line 158

Schedules depend on the bus stop where you are, and change frequently. So we decided to stop publishing schedules and we recommend you visit on the official schedules of bus line 158 in Barcelona.


Map of bus line 158

Below is a map of the route of the bus line 158. To view the larger map, click on the image.

Barcelona bus map line 158

Feel free to contact us regarding any fault or defect, indicating the station name and we will correct it.

Thank you very much for your visit, we hope that our Barcelona Bus Map has been useful to you.

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