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Maps of each bus line from Barcelona, their routes and schedules.
(Updated on October 5, 2014)
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If you know the bus you want, best to use our website to find specific information on buses in Barcelona, because the official bus website is very chaotic and probably before you find the desired information, you have an attack of nerves.
If you don't know which bus line to choose, see itineraries search on the official website of public buses in Barcelona, it works quite well.
Calculate your route on any Barcelona public transport
With this form of "Google Maps" you can calculate the fastest route to get from one point to another of the city using public transportation. It takes into account any transport Barcelona either metro, bus, tram, etc.. For example, if you want to go from Sants train station to Plaza Catalunya:
Tip: We advise you to write a street, station, town or place, add your text at the end of a comma (ie ",") and the word "Barcelona", as shown in the two examples above.
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Thank you very much for your visit, we hope you have found our bus line maps of Barcelona helpful. |